Hello 2016

Sunday, 3 January 2016

Hello. . . It's me! (Sorry couldn't resist) but seriously it's been far too long since my last post. I'm not really going to go into 2015 and reflect upon it as it's in the past and in all honesty it was a mixed year that seemed to go downhill towards the end. I now want to only look forward and be the best possible version of me. Even though I'm not a fan of the whole " New year, New me" saying, (like really- you are an awesome person who may need a few tweaks not a whole life swap every January), I do love the feeling of having a fresh start.
A blank slate, the first page of a new chapter, you know all the cliche sayings by now. I do believe this time of year is great for motivation and encouraging one another to stick at their goals no matter how small or big. I strongly feel that self evaluation and improvement is really important. Even if by the end of January you have not kept to your New Years resolution at least you have tried, which is more than can be said for others and you have improved yourself if only for a short while. So after some consideration I have 4 new year resolutions that I hope will aid in my overall goal of being the best version of me I can be!

Take more photos
After losing my grandad at the end of 2015 I realised just how precious the little moments in life are. Our lives become a collection of memories and I want to catch as many of them as I can. I'm taking my camera out with me more and snapping anything of interest to me to improve my photography skills and start some photo albums of my own.

Drink 8 glasses of water
Simple, measurable and very much needed. I worry sometimes how many cups of tea I drink and equally worry at how little water I drink. Just good old tap water, nothing fancy. I'm hoping it will sort my problematic skin out whilst doing some good on the inside too!

Keep in contact with friends
If you are one of my close friends you will most likely be agreeing with me at how bad I am at replying to messages and staying in contact with you whilst also shaking your head in disbelievement that I will succeed at this as I am forever saying I'm going to be better. I think it's important to note that to have good friends you need to be a good friend yourself and I do have the best of friends who deserve a lot better than waiting days for me to reply.

Keep blogging
I love having a creative outlet and I think once I get into the swing of blogging on a regular basis, I'll be able to keep on top of it. The blogging community is amazing and I'd love to still be a part of it this time next year and hopefully make some new friends along the way. 

So there we have it. At the end of the year I'll look back and see how successful I have been. If you're reading this and thinking of setting some goals for yourself, remember that you are amazing already and set goals that will only aid you in being the best version of yourself, no one else 💜

Chrissy X

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