One Line a Day

Friday, 8 January 2016

I wanted to share this lovely little diary with you for anyone who like me wants to keep a diary but really doesn't have a lot of time and wants something super quick and easy.

Think of this as a manual timehop, a place where you can look back at what you were doing or feeling this time up to 5 years ago! I love the idea of this and as part of my new years resolutions to document parts of my life more,  I asked my lovely boyfriend for this one line a day journal for Christmas. I had seen it a while ago and it knew it would be ideal for me.

As much as I hate to admit it, I am lazy! I still have a journal from my childhood which is hilarious to read now but it wasn't something I wrote in every day. Posts were very sporadic and I didn't keep it up for long (sounds like I'm describing this blog haha).

This journal has a couple of lines for each days entry and it lasts for 5 years. You can start it at any time in the year, just find the page, fill in the year and write a little bit about your day or how you are feeling.

I keep mine on my bedside table and like to fill it in when I get into bed at the end of the day with a cup of tea. It takes 2 minutes to reflect on your day and fill it in and it's such a lovely way to keep record without it taking too much time out of your day. I'm looking forward to a years time when I'll be filling in entries under what I wrote a year ago, 2 years ago and so on. You can get this from places like water stones and it's available online at amazon too.

What do you think? Is it something you would like to do or have you already got one?

Chrissy x

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