5 Tips for Sticking to your 2016 Resolutions

Sunday, 31 January 2016

Hey! This is the first of many tips and tricks posts that I've been writing recently and I'm really enjoying writing them. I wish I could follow my own advice more but hey ho- easier said then done. Today I have some motivational support for all of you who have set yourself New Year resolutions at the beginning of the year and may be struggling to keep them up. January seems to go on forever and by the time February arrives a lot of people totally forgott about their New year goals, so here are 5 easy tips to get you back on track with whatever your goal is and hopefully keep you going throughout the year.

Make a list of your new year resolutions

In doing this, think about why you set these goals. Write them down so you can visually see them. I always find that 'shit gets serious' once its written down in black and white.

Tell a friend or social media

If you're struggling with your goal then telling some one close to you means they can hold you accountable and motivate you to keep going. Similarly with putting it out there on social media.

Find some inspiration

Want to lose weight or just be more healthy? Get following some new fitness and health blogs or instagram accounts to make you see visually what you want and how you can get it. People can often get jealous doing this but instead, use it as inspiration. I think inspiration is one of the best tools for motivation.

Make a plan

Ask yourself why you aren't doing so well or why you've given up completely if that's the case. Figuring out why will then help you make a plan to avoid it and succeed. I like to write lists to help me plan- breaking goals up so they are smaller will make it seem less daunting and more doable! *How weird does the word doable look written down?*

Remember to take one day at a time

Most goals aren't going to be accomplished overnight. Before long 1 day will be a week later, a month later and the year will go on pretty quick. You can achieve all your goals with the right mental attitude and support around you. Just take things one day at a time and concentrate on the present rather than the future.

I hope this helps any of you who may be struggling! It was so useful just writing these down for myself in order to motivate me to keep going! Let me know in the comments how your 2016 resolutions are going and if you have found any other useful ideas for motivating yourself.

Chrissy x

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